After Care.
3D Scalp Micropigmentation treatments require a process of 3 sessions, scheduled 7 to 10 days apart. Considering the overall goal of regaining the look of a full head of hair, 3D Scalp Micropigmentation is a quick, but lasting alternative to traditional hair loss solutions.
Certain complications of the scalp can interfere with healing and the overall time frame of the application. Erin truly believes in this procedure and will do the best job for each client to achieve desired results. The most important thing to remember during the Scalp Micropigmentation process is to be PATIENT. Each session will add more density and pigment to your scalp while adapting to your body’s immune response and general healing. It takes time to get the results, but it is a relatively short process. After care for 3D Scalp Micropigmentation is simple and fast. Redness will occur from the procedure itself, but will lessen 24 to 48 after the procedure. Also, the pigment on the scalp will appear darker than the desired outcome, but will soften within 1 to 2 weeks. The darkness is due to extra pigment that lies on the scalp and blood flow to the area from the body’s natural healing process. Once the skin heals, the additional pigment will slough off and the skin will continue to rejuvenate.
Day 1 – 1st session
Day 7 to 10 – 2nd session
Day 14 to 20 – 3rd session
(Time frames can vary slightly due to scalp sensitivity, client’s healing, and scheduling.)
Many factors contribute to fading the pigment of your Scalp Micropigmentation. The sun is the biggest culprit in fading, so it is very important to wear a hat and sunscreen when outdoors, especially during the healing time frame. Keep your scalp moisturized and avoid products that can cause fading such as alcohol, Retinols or other medical grade skin care products.
Scalp Micropigmentation Post-Treatment Instructions
3-4 Days Post-Treatment
The following rules apply to care after each treatment session.
Please avoid intense exercise or heavy sweating.
Do not rinse, scrub, or shampoo the treatment area.
You may lightly dab the area with a wet cloth, but do not soak the treatment area.
Please do not shave the treatment area.
Do not expose the treatment area to long-term sunlight.
You may wear hats and sunblock to protect the treatment area from direct sun exposure.
Please avoid touching the treatment area with your hands.
Please drink plenty of water as it aids the healing process.
Please avoid the use of chlorinated pools, saunas, steam rooms, tanning beds, and direct sunlight for 28 days after your final treatment session.
5-7 Days Post-Treatment
The following rules apply to care after each treatment session.
Please do not scratch, scrub, or shampoo the treatment area. If tiny scabs are present, allow them to slough off naturally.
You may begin lightly rinsing the treatment area with water.
Please do not use any self-tanners or other skin irritants.
However, fragrance-free moisturizer may be used.
You may carefully shave or cut your hair.
You may now also resume light exercise.
Please avoid the use of chlorinated pools, saunas, steam rooms, tanning beds, and direct sunlight for 28 days after your final treatment session.
Additional Aftercare Questions
Q: Should I shave or cut my hair before the treatment?
A: Erin will consult with each client before his or her procedure regarding pre-treatment. Male clients should have their hair cut or shaved as short as they can tolerate. Please keep in mind it may be advised to keep your natural hair a short length or shaven in order to blend with the pigment.
Q: How frequently will I need a touch up?
A: Touch up requirements vary with each person. It is recommended to get a touch up 2 to 6 years after the initial procedure to maintain the best results. Erin will go over tips to follow for preserving your pigmentation for years to come.
Q: After the final treatment, when can I expect the fully-healed, final result?
A: After the third session, it can take 2 weeks to 30 days for the scalp to heal and the color to fully settle. Every person heals differently and at different speeds.
Q: Will my scalp feel irritated after the procedure?
A: Most clients will experience dryness, flaking, or itchiness during the healing process. This is normal as the body heals the tiny wounds from the micro-needle. If needed, use grape seed oil on your scalp to moisturize.
Q: Can I sweat and work out during the healing process?
A: Try to refrain from intense exercise for 3 to 4 days after the procedure. Sweat can lift some of the pigment a little too quickly but usually is not an issue.
Q: Will you apply the pigment to the nape of my scalp where my hair naturally grows?
A: Unless you suffer from alopecia, it is usually not necessary to apply pigment to the nape and sides of your scalp. Pigment is applied to the crown area, hairline and top of your head, overlapping your natural hair on the sides and nape area.
Scalp Micropigmentation (SMP) is becoming a popular solution for thinning and balding hair. In a short amount of time (around 2 months), you can have the look of a full head of hair. SMP gives an illusion of a shading on the scalp. It is a safe, easy and naturally looking approach with only slight discomfort on certain areas of the scalp.
Of course, there are maintenance sessions that are involved but here are a few tips to keep your scalp in tip-top shape.
Touchup sessions:
Although Scalp Micropigmentation is a permanent solution for thinning or balding hair, maintenance sessions are required every 2-4 years. No matter what the pigment is going to fade over time. Don’t worry touchup sessions are priced accordingly to how much we need to touchup, but touchup costs are never full price.
Reasons SMP fades:
Sun, Sun, Sun and Tanning beds. You can never protect your scalp too much. Wear a hat when you are outside for long periods of time or wear an SPF (usually SPF 15 or greater). I can’t stress this enough, cover your SMP from the sun and also protect your scalp from skin cancers and sun damage.
Certain medication can play a factor on the outcome and longevity of scalp micropigmentation. Please let me know if you are currently taking medications prior to your procedure.
Keeping your Scalp Hydrated and Moisturized:
A dry, dull scalp is a flakey scalp. A flaking and peeling scalp can effect the appearance and longevity of scalp micropigmentation. It a can also effect the outcome of the SMP procedure. If you notice patchy dryness or redness on your scalp, Psoriasis or eczema , please let me know prior to your procedure. It can add extra irritation to the scalp and will effect how well the pigment implants and heals. We can pre-treat or add extra calming creams to hydrate the scalp to ensure the best outcome of the procedures.
There is a proper balance between your scalps hydration…………
A dry scalp can make your scalp look dull and rough but an oily scalp can make it look sweaty and shiny.
Drink lots of water and look for a matte finish lotions with less shine.
Best Scalp Moisturizers I recommend:
These are the Best anti-shine moisturizers that are safe to use to keep your scalp moisturized.
~Max Anti-Shine
~Milk of Magnesia
~Headblade Head Lube Matte Lotion
Clean and Wash your Scalp:
The overall appearance of your scalp can be achieved on the cleanliness. Oil, dandruff and dead skin cells can add buildup on the scalp and the hair follicles that are present. It is important to shampoo, condition and sometimes exfoliate your scalp, even if you have a shaven scalp.
Avoid shampoos and products that have a high concentration of alcohol content. Hair products that are high in alcohol can dry out the scalp which in turn can fade SMP. Switch to alcohol free products to keep your scalp and SMP looking clean and healthy! ~Erin