SMP Correction & Touchups.
There are situations from prior scalp micropigmentation procedures that may arise, which will require a SMP correction or removal. Many times Erin can get the new SMP application to blend or camouflage with the old SMP pigment.
In some cases, pigment lighters or pigment removal techniques can remove or lighten the areas of improper application. One of the most common issues are “blowouts” where the pigment pulls to dark on spot or area on the scalp. Another issue is too much concentrated pigment (bleeding) or the follicles are applied too closely together. Giving the look of a smeared pigment or more of a tattoo on the scalp. More serious botched jobs could require laser tattoo removal to remove the SMP. The best way to determine how to go out correcting these poor applications is to do a consultation.

Touchups and Maintenance
Most clients can expect to have their 3D Scalp Micropigmentation last for many years. However, the pigment will slowly fade over time. To keep the pigment looking fresh, it is best to come in for a touch up sessions. The more the pigment settles, the more natural it will look. However, there comes a time where a touchup session will be inevitable.
Fading will inevitably occur but many clients go years without having touchups. (Following post-care procedures and keeping your scalp from overexposure to the elements helps ensure longer-lasting results.)
Clients usually return 2-5 years after their initial treatment for a touchup.
A short touchup session may be required for some clients after the 3rd session to complete the desired look to touchup hairline alteration or fading.
Touchups after 1st year: $300-$500
Factors that contribute to fading: (Speak with Erin about proper daily scalp care.)
Time in the sun
Certain medications
Skin and hair care products. Especially ones with high alcohol content.
Ethnicity or skin type
Failure to follow maintenance regimens or proper post care