Keeping Your Scalp Micropigmentation Fresh:

Scalp micropigmentation (SMP) has become a popular solution for individuals dealing with hair loss or seeking to enhance their appearance. It offers a non-invasive way to create the illusion of fuller hair by tattooing tiny dots onto the scalp. However, like any cosmetic procedure, SMP requires proper maintenance to ensure longevity and prevent fading over time. Let’s explore some essential tips for maintaining your SMP and keeping it looking fresh for as long as possible.

Choose an Experienced SMP Technician:

The skill and experience of your SMP technician plays a significant role in the quality and longevity of your scalp micropigmentation. Research potential technicians thoroughly, read reviews, and ask to see before-and-after photos of their work. Choose a technician who has a proven track record of delivering natural-looking results and who uses high-quality pigments and equipment. Luckily, you do not have to look any further. Reach out to Erin Meier at Prime Line OKC today! 

Follow Post-Procedure Care Instructions:

Proper care immediately after getting SMP is crucial for optimal results. We will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your scalp during the initial healing period. This typically involves keeping the area clean, avoiding sun exposure, and refraining from activities that could cause sweating or excessive moisture. 

Sun exposure can cause SMP pigments to fade prematurely. Protect your scalp by wearing a hat or applying a broad-spectrum sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher whenever you're outdoors, especially during peak sun hours. Reapply sunscreen every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

Touch Up & Refresh:

Over time, SMP pigments may naturally fade due to factors such as sun exposure, skin turnover, and lifestyle habits. The lighter the color of pigment used, the quicker it fades. Darker pigments last longer, but all fade over time. Schedule regular touch-up sessions every 2-6 years with your SMP technician to maintain the appearance of your scalp micropigmentation. These touch-ups can help refresh the color and density of the pigments, ensuring that your SMP continues to look natural and seamless.

Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle:

Your overall health can impact the longevity of your SMP. Eat a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals, stay hydrated, and avoid smoking, as these habits can affect the condition of your skin and hair follicles. Additionally, manage stress levels, as stress can contribute to hair loss and scalp issues.


Medications, tanning lotions, medical grade skin care, hormone therapy, shampoos, conditioners, and hair growth products with alcohol as an ingredient are products to avoid! If the first or second ingredient is alcohol, find an alternative. It can strip away the pigments and compromise the appearance of your SMP. Opt for products specifically formulated for sensitive or color-treated skin. 

Scratching or picking at your scalp can cause the SMP pigments to disperse unevenly or fade prematurely. Resist the urge to scratch, and if you experience itching, gently pat or tap the area instead. If itching persists, consult your SMP technician for advice on how to alleviate discomfort without compromising the results.

By following these tips and maintaining a consistent care routine, you can help preserve the appearance of your scalp micropigmentation and prevent premature fading. Remember to communicate openly with Erin about any concerns or questions you may have. With proper care and attention, your SMP can continue to look fresh and vibrant for years to come, boosting your confidence and enhancing your overall appearance.

Written By: Tiffany Montgomery Walker


Scalp Micropigmentation: Is it Right for You?